IEEE Visualization 2005 Contest
Data Sets
Data can be downloaded from following locationsData Set 1: Diffusion Tensor Images
The diffusion tensor image (DTI) data is from a normal volunteer (36 year-old female) using a Philips 3.0T Inter. MRI system. The Inter. systems has a routine clinical sequence which tracks up to 32 DTI fiber directions and thus measures movement of water in the brain and can detect areas of the brain where normal movement of water is disrupted.
The data is in DICOM format, with some resampled volume data available. The challenges for this data set were to show the evolution of the DTI information over time in addition the brain volume.
Data Set 2: New Orleans Wind-Field
The second data set is a wind-field simulation over New Orleans. The impetus for the simulation was as follows:
At about 2:30pm Saturday, December 14th, 1998, the Bright Field freighter ran into the Riverwalk Mall on Poydras Street Wharf in New Orleans. The freighter was loaded with 56,000 tons of corn. What if a freighter crashed that was not carrying corn, but a dangerous airborne substance like chlorine gas? What would the effects have been on the population of New Orleans?
The data consists of a model of New Orleans and airflow over this model. Specific characteristics of interest are:
- What is the structure of the wind-field?
- From a source at various locations in New Orleans (such as the Riverwalk mall), what would the time-evolution of the pollutant be?
- Are their any vortices or large wind-shielded areas in the data?
The data itself consists of two files: city.fgrid, an ASCII unstructured grid in 3D FGRID format and city.fflow, an ASCII fluid-flow solution file storing density, momentum, and energy information in 3D FFLOW format.
The DTI data is courtesy of Dr. Evanochko at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Cardiovascular MRI facility, Birmingham, Alabama. The City of New Orleans data is mainly a contribution by Drs. Koomullil and Soni, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Paul Adams at ERDC was responsible for acquiring the data sets for the Visualizaton 2005 contest.