IEEE Visualization Contest 2011

Official event of the VisWeek 2011

Stability Visualization of Fluid Dynamics

Congratulations to the winning team and the honorable mention team! Many thanks to all participants for their great contributions.

The IEEE Visualization Contest 2011 is an official event of the IEEE VisWeek 2011 which will be held in the Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, USA (23. - 28. October 2011).

The Vis Contest 2011 targets the field of fluid dynamics. The goal is to devise a visualization that allows for exploring the stability of a fluid dynamics simulation of a pump with respect to different models of its turbulences. One big challenge is the large amount of the data.

The contest aims at demonstrating how novel visualization and interaction techniques from the fore-front of scientific research can help to solve real-world problems of high relevance - today. 

Early Registration

September 16th, 2011


September, 9th, 2011


July, 31st, 2011,
23:59 PST


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