IEEE Visualization Contest 2011

Official event of the VisWeek 2011


Submission procedure (updated 06.07.2011)
1) Prepare your submission according to the rules below.

2) The pdf document and the video should be compressed as one single zip archive. Please use the following naming convention: team name, initials of first two authors. Example: if your team name is "VisCoders" and the first two authors have the initials GZ and JK, then the file name should be

3) Make a MD5 checksum of your zip-file (e.g., you may use WinMd5Sum Portable), and put it into a text file, e.g., VisCoders_gz_jk_md5.txt

4) The zip archive and the md5 checksum file have to be uploaded at the following ftp server:

5) Once you have submitted your entry send us an email ( and we will confirm your submission.

6) Please note that only committee members can view the number of submissions and their contents at the ftp server!

Rules and hints for preparing your submission (updated 06.07.2011)
1) The contest is open to everyone except contest organizers and judges. Sponsors can participate non-competitive. We invite submissions from individuals or teams, from industry or academia.

2) To demonstrate your approach, you are expected to submit
  • (required) A 2-page mini-paper in PDF format describing your visualization and analysis techniques.
  • (required) Up to 12 additional images (beyond those in the paper) showing how the visualizations help answering the questions. The images should be appended to the 2-page document (thus, your whole pdf document should have more than 2 pages). You are invited to use captions in order to explain your images!
  • (optional) An Mpeg, AVI, or Quicktime video (duration at most 10 minutes) showing the methods or processes in action. This will be most helpful for demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed methods. You have the opportunity to submit 2 videos: one high-quality video for the review process and one compressed video (up to 25 MB) for the electronic proceedings of the IEEE VisWeek 2011.

3) Visit for a summary of the formatting guidelines of the manuscript.

4) If you make your paper and video anonymous, we will not make it publicly available. Otherwise, your submission will be published at our webpage and in the electronic proceedings of the IEEE VisWeek 2011. The winning entry and the honorable-mention submissions will be published in each case. The video will only be published in the electronic proceedings, if its size is up to 25MB. We reserve the right to exclude submissions which are of bad quality and which are not useful in any part.

5) The 2-page write-up should not try to give any background information that will be the same for each contestant. We would like to learn the important information about how the analyses and visualizations were created, by what kind of software, and how long it took to generate the results.

6) We will not be running any software as part of the evaluations, but hope that the submitted images and video will illustrate how the contestant's methods help answer the driving questions.  

Early Registration

September 16th, 2011


September, 9th, 2011


July, 31st, 2011,
23:59 PST


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